Traveling to Mongolia with a YWAM team is one way to help complete the Great Commission
This summer we will be joining a much larger event called the “Bless Mongolia Outreach." The goal is to distribute a Bible to every home on planet earth — starting in Mongolia!
Traveling to Mongolia with a YWAM team is one way to help complete the Great Commission
Get trained and learn how simple sharing the Gospel can really be through Bible distribution.
Sometimes it's a smile, a hug, or just taking the time to listen for people to realize they are loved.
For the past few years Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission, has felt compelled from the Lord to get a Bible into every home on earth. He has felt that the Lord is selecting Mongolia to be the first nation on earth to implement this vision. For the past few years, Loren and many others, have been traveling and mobilizing the international church for this project. The plan is to mobilize hundreds of teams to come to Mongolia and join the Mongolian church to blanket this whole nation.
You can also help by donating Bibles to Bless Mongolia.
Each Bible costs $9. Just think, $100 puts a Bible in more than 10 homes at a time!
There are approximately 900,000 homes across this vast nation. This vision is quite doable since there are 4 recognized languages in Mongolia. Each of them has a full, translated bible along with a translated JESUS film. The whole nation is accessible by either road, rail and air which makes the movement of bible teams very easy. Mongolia celebrates religious freedom and it’s fairly easy to share your faith and distribute the Bible and the JESUS film.
2023 we are targeting 3 provinces. To reach all the people in these areas will cost $8,000 each. Would you consider contributing toward the spread of the Gospel?
Mongolia also is very open and friendly to outside visitors – at least at this point. However, this door of openness may be closing. Mongolia is a land-locked nation between two Superpowers – Russia & China. Both of these powers have their eyes on Mongolia and all its natural resources. Both of these powers have recently been applying pressure and encouraging Mongolia to close relations to outside western influences. Along with this, they are pressuring Mongolia to close doors to the Christian church. On this present trajectory, Mongolia could possibly be closed to the rest of the world, and the influence of the outside church in just a few years.
If we look at all of these factors we can see that this is a very strategic time to get the word of God throughout this open and beautiful nation.
While the window of opportunity is open, don't miss out.
The Bless Mongolia Outreach will officially run from June 10th – July 1st. Fill out the form to get specific trip dates
There is a layover in Turkey for a few days of team building.
Approximate costs range from $3600 - $4000 which will cover all travel & airfare, food, housing and translators.
Ron Moyer has served with YWAM for 38 years. In the 1990's his family lived in UlaanBatar, Mongolia and helped pioneer the early church in this wonderful nation. Along with church planting, he and his small team helped pioneered the first YWAM center in here.
The story of what God is doing in Mongolia is amazing. Will you join us in reaching this nation for Jesus.
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